Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jan 27, 2011

Dear Diary,

I'm worried. This week I saw a new side to one of my friends, and it wasn't pretty. It all started last week, at her birthday party. All of us are over 21 and we were at a restaurant drinking, when a friend of hers who is under 21 showed up. The staff wouldn't let her come into the bar (for obvious reasons) and asked if we wanted to move from the bar section to the dining section.

My friend, let's call her Claire (hehe private joke), said no. That it was pointless to move the whole party for one person. I was surprised at this. To me, it was a no brainer - Of course we'd move the party. We didn't, and the under 21er went home, presumably pissed.

After I got drunk and went home, a mutual friend of Claire and I's flirted with Clarie's crush. Everyone knows that Claire has a crush of this person, so it was a dick move to flirt with him. I was told that later on in night, the friend and the crush went home together. Understandably, Claire is upset and has forsaken the friendship. What bothers me is that Claire and this girl still talk and hang out. Claire is even friendly and nice to her. But the second she leaves a room, Claire bitches about her.

I'm not sure how I feel about seeing these sides to Claire. Of course, here I am doing the same thing on the Internet.

On a more happy note:
I saw Kelly Clarkson live Thursday. It was amazing. She was funny and sweet, and of course, super talented. It's funny, but the day before we bought the tickets I kept hearing Clarkson wherever I went. In stores or driving around, every radio was playing one of her songs. I sorta thought something magically would happen if I saw her show. Nothing did, but I guess I like thinking the universe is looking out for me.

And then yesterday on my radio show, we played MLP:FiM songs. It was awesome :)

Love Always,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jan 22, - Jan 24, 2012

Dear Diary,

I did something amazing today. Well, two amazing things these past days.

First, I went ice skating, and I didn't fall! This is only the second time I've ever been on the ice, the first time a little under a year ago. I'm still not great, but I only had to use the railings a couple of times. I enjoyed being on the ice, and I think I'm going to try to skate at least one more time before the semester ends.

The second is I texted a boy. My friend MT gave me her boss' number and I texted him around noon. We had a little conversation, but it was awkward as fuck. I mean, I can barely talk to people face-to-face, texting is like a bajillion times more difficult. We weren't really flirting, just talking. Although, I did use the slutty winky face, so it's his fault. I'm going to text him tomorrow, so let's see if it gets better.

Until then,
Love Always,